Group Rules

Our group philosophy is loosely based on the concept of no/few rules. A lot of us are anarchists at heart, but our group does need some guidelines/guidance from time to time, and they’re generally group housekeeping type things. Also, these are NOT written in stone, but general guidelines:

  • If you’re going to be an ass, own it, and don’t do it anonymously.  (Otherwise, see Why wasn’t my confession published?)
  • Don’t abuse the ability to block an admin. If you block a group admin, you will not see *anything* they post in the group, however they will still see everything you post/comment. They will just be unable to comment on your posts (and you won’t see their posts). If you abuse this ability to block them (by harassing, etc, you may be asked to unblock the admin. If you block all the admins, you will be removed (as you wouldn’t see anything, anyways).
  • No Spamming.
  • No troll/fake/sock(puppet) accounts for the purpose of deceiving/trolling/abusing/etc… Use your real name for the account (in accordance with Facebook policy). If you already use an alternate name as your primary Facebook account (performers, transgender community, etc) simply just use that (your primary Facebook account), you may not use a separate account just for the purpose of accessing the ENC group, use the same account you use for everything else. We are a small extended family, behave as such!
  • That’s basically it – enjoy and have a GREAT time!

You may receive the following inbox message (or a similar version) upon requesting to join ENC, to verify your account. Simply respond to the message in order to have your join request processed:

Hi there – I received your request to join our group (East Nashville Confessions), and just noticed that either (A)your account is relatively new, or (B)you don’t have any friends in the group, or (C)your account appears to be a troll/sock account | In an effort to keep spam from our group, simply reply here with how you found out about our group and I’ll get your request approved. Thanks!