
ENCQ Meet-Ups! Come Join Us: They set us apart by bringing us together!

We LOVE to meet new people. We love for new people to meet new people – and we love to facilitate that fun. What that means is that we bring all the shy people together and you make new life friends! We’re more than just faces and words on a screen – many of us are even entirely differently people, offline! We’ve adopted East Nash Fave The LipStick Lounge as our home base, but occasionally sprinkle in others, so watch for group invites  & announcements.

Here’s WHEN – Individual Events are posted in the group events tab on FB:

3rd Sunday Brunch Meet-Up
Every 3rd Sunday we brunch @ The LipStick Lounge @ 11:30A-2PM. Mimosas, Food, Hangover cures & more!

Weekly Drag Bingo Meet-Up
Thursday @ The LipStick Lounge @ 7PM(ish) until ??
Our Flagship fun! Be a fly on the wall or the center of attention, This isn’t your mama’s bingo & You’ve never had this much fun with strangers.

Some F.A.Q.

Can we have a different meetup on Fri/Sat/Tues/Day/Weekend/Weekday/Etc…
Probably Not. We have VERY specific things that qualify for a group meetup, that take into account both member safety, known locations, bartenders/hosts, group turnout, the venue, owners/mgmt, seating, accommodations, free parking, drink specials, locations, and East Nashville related. Over the past 18 months we’ve tried many different days and options and this is what works for it. IF you think you have a great idea, please DO let an admin know and we’ll see if it works within the group, so while it’s “possible” just not likely, but ask!

I’ve never been, I’m a ‘loner’ – what to expect?
FUN. Our entire group is happily identified misfits 🙂 Our meetups are setup at locations, such as Adult Drag Bingo, brunches, etc.. so that even if you come alone, you can happily pretend you don’t know any of us and still have a good time. Or, what the secret is, you show up, you grab that PBR thinking you’re gonna ‘watch’ these fools, and before you know it, you’ve quietly won a BINGO card but are too embarassed to claim the prize – and an hour later you’ve won again, but the prize is a $300 sex toy and you can’t stop yourself from claiming it, and you nuzzle someone onstage with you to pick it up, and before you know it you’ve made a new friend or someone’s bought you that drink you spilled, either way you’re in the mix before you realize it! Or maybe you’re super shy and you message an admin and we quietly introduce you to the other quiet folks on the sly – either way, a good time is had, we promise!





CREEPERS: NEVER. All our venue mgmt are amazing & OK with creeper removal, let an admin know ASAP!

View previous meet-ups.